From October 18–22, 2019, the Habitats and Cultures studio from the Master’s program of the Université Laval School of Architecture, travelled to Nunavik to collaborate with Kangiqsualujjuamiuq to imagine a sacred house on the Land.
The workshop aims to develop culturally and territorially appropriate projects for Nunavik Inuit communities. Kangiqsualujjuamiuq have highlighted the need for a “Sacred House” or a shelter on the Land, a “Place for the transmission of Inuit culture... and more” particularly for local youth and elders.
Northern partners : Qarmaapik House, Ulluriaq School, Nothern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq, Northern Village of Kuujjuaq, Jaanimmarik School, Kativitk Regional Government.
A special thanks to Nancy Etok, Hilda Snowball, Ellasie Annanack, Paul Parsons, Frédéric Gagné, Jérémy Loeub and school’s children for the warm welcome.
Professor : Myriam Blais. Teaching assistant : Myrtille Bayle. Students : Dominic Beaudoin, Vincent Bergeron, Mélina Boudreau, Marie-Helen Chouinard, Arianne Côté, Jonathan Estrade, Camille Eustache, Steven Girard, Daniela Gomez, Maxime Hudon, William Lacasse, Etienne Lambert, Alexandre Morency, Magaly Paré, Josiane Thompson, Anabelle Tougas.