A Food Footprint : a network for learning, transforming and sharing food in Kangiqsualujjuaq, Nunavik is a Architecture Master Thesis Project by Noémie Lavigne supervised by Émilie Pinard (Laurentian University).
The objective of this thesis is to reflect on the spatial and architectural needs of northern communities for the development of food security, a key issue for their social and cultural identity and well-being. The work takes as a starting point the community of Kangiqsualujjuaq, which is located on the banks of the George River, in Nunavik.
The thesis explores how architecture can support a more holistic and sustainable vision of food security in Nunavik’s Inuit communities.
The thesis suggests that by revisiting the food security framework, usually focused on production and distribution issues, to include local practices, we can begin to develop more environmentally and culturally sustainable food infrastructure. Thus, the thesis focuses on three actions at the heart of food in Inuit communities: getting, preparing, and sharing. Through a food nucleus project for the village, the thesis imagines and illustrates a different conception of food security, which tries to give a voice to the community, its aspirations, and its culture. It aims to re-establish a balance between imported food and sustainable local production by enhancing traditional food practices, an important foundation for the Inuit identity.
