Energy Transition
Microclimatic planning in an Inuit context
Seven levers influence microclimatic architecture and urban design. They belong to interrelated categories. While the natural environment influences levers, including those related to climate and natural territory, the built environment levers encompass all buildings, infrastructures and public spaces and their interrelations. As an iterative design process, the levers are constantly in dialogue (Figure 1). They give rise to adaptation principles worth considering in the resilient planning of Inuit villages (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Levers impacting microclimatic planning in an Inuit context. Tessier, 2022

Figure 2. Principles of microclimatic design in an Inuit context. Messier, Tessier, 2022
Principles in action
Controlling winds through building implantation, volumetry and size
Figure 3. Study of the effect of buildings on wind for Fermont's protective wall. DMA, 2022
Protective walls
Use in Quebec and abroad
​Inspired by Erskine's work in the North (Figure 4), Fermont's protective wall forms a protective barrier to the north and northwest of the village, sheltering the single-family residences from harsh northern winds. This architectural approach aims to eliminate the discomforts created by polar winds and decrease the energy demand of homes (Figure 3) [2]. Similarly, the Eyes of Runavik project (Figure 5) (White Arkitekter, 2016) focuses on stabilizing wind speed within formal choices : built organization (interior courtyard), typology (attached units) and volumetry. While the wind speed is 6-12 m/s outside the courtyard, it is approximately 0-2 m/s inside, regardless of where the wind comes from. The microclimate generated by this typology encourages vegetation growth. The temperature of the interior courtyard approaches that of a southern boreal zone [11].
Figure 6. Discontinuous housing acting as a protective wall. Leboeuf-Soucy, Messier, Tessier, 2022

Colletive housing
Passages (access to the Land)
Traditional activities and storage

Separate acces along shared space
Transition zone
Figure 7. Housing as protective wall for Kangiqsualujjuaq. Leboeuf-Soucy, Messier, Tessier, 2022
Figure 4. Proposition for Resolute Bay. Ralph Erskine, around 1970
Figure 5. Eyes of Runavik, Faroe Islands. Project by White Arkitekter for a competition, 2016
What about Nunavik ?
Imagining a protective walls scenario
Building multi-family housing on the northern boundaries of Nunavik's communities can protect villages from harsh winds [4, 6]. Considering that Inuit prefer to remain connected to the Land than to increase the thermal comfort of a given area [8], the proposed protective wall adopts a porous and discontinuous form (Figure 6). Thus, rather than creating a continuous boundary, the built screen includes "gaps" and passages. Such a protective wind barrier could potentially stabilize gust speed, thus creating a microclimate that increases thermal comfort for residents as well as facilitates vegetation growth [11].
While multi-family housing offers significant benefits with regards to energy efficiency, it offers a living choices and opportunities for social cohesion. In the past, multi-family housing has indeed caused social tensions in Nunavik's communities (Jérémie Loeub, KRG, interview of March 25, 2022). To mitigate the perceived constraints of higher density housing, design attributes are proposed. Transversal 2 or 3 floors units provide natural light and ventilation, as well as views towards the Land. Separate exterior access along a common balcony provides a meeting place and creates a comfortable threshold between interior and exterior. Pile foundations provide garages space at ground elvel. These workspaces help maintain the relationship with the land by providing a place to store vehicles, boats and hunting gear. In order to avoid snow accumulation, a wire mesh at the base of the cladding is integrated to let the winds blow through (Figure 7). The building provides transitional outdoor meeting places that bring village and Land closer.
''Penguin'' Grouping
Adaptive compacity : imitating cold climate wildlife
The Skolkovo project built on the outskirts of Moscow (Figure 8) (2017) was inspired by the way penguins group together in dense circles comprising 8-10 individuals per square meter to keep warm. Such tight grouping can increase the ambient temperature by 5°C [1]. To achieve similar results in urban planning, the new neighborhood is subdivided into 10 sections reminiscent of a turtle's shell. Each section is composed of 9 houses distanced by 7-8 meters for a density of about 19 units per hectare. Not only does this organization allow for better conservation of the heat emanating from the residences, but the irregular placement of the homes possibly reduces wind speed to maintain a comfortable microclimate [9].
Figure 8. "Penguin" grouping. Skolkovo Innovation Center District , A. Bechu & Associates, 2017

Community space, greenhouse,
storage & energy plant
Figure 9. Reinterpretation of "penguin" grouping. Leboeuf-Soucy, Messier, Tessier, 2022
The Skolvoko strategy can adapt to an already built-up area in Kangiqsualujjuaaq (Figure 9). An almost circular shape aims at a density of 16 houses per hectare. The residences are concentrated at the edges of a shared space which maintains a pleasant microclimate. This space is then put to good use by welcoming community activities and services, such as a workshop, a shared kitchen, a small community freezer and a greenhouse, which are shared by the neighbors.
To achieve this, each home generates energy through wind turbines or solar panels. The circular form of thehousing cluster provides opportunities for natural surveillance. The installation of a self-charging battery in the center bolsters a secondary energy network while contributing to the energy demand of other community facilities.
'What about Nunavik ?
Imagining a "penguin" grouping scenario
Off-grid & self-sufficient ?
Towards energy autonomy through architecture
To vary the housing choices and maintain inhabitants closer to the territory, new types and modes of tenure are needed. Also, to cover energy needs due to romoteness from the village core, houses at the villages periphery should be self-sufficient by self-producing energy with oscillating wind turbines and solar panels connected to a battery located in the garage-workshop.
In an effort to reduce electricity needs, such a house (Figure 10) would benefit from a reduced the ratio of built envelope exposed to the cold and wind to the interior living space. Specifically, the smaller the ratio of exposed area to volume, the greater the energy efficiency of the building [10]. This approach consequently suggests an aerodynamic form on an insulated slab foundation. Such foundations allow building on the ground so as to minimize the surface exposed to winds by optimizing the shape. In order to maximize aerodynamics, the orientation of the house away from the prevailing westerly winds, as well as the cold winds from the north and east, is essential. Thus the dwelling opens to the south in order to maximize sunlight and passive heating. This volumetry also minimizes snow accumulation and, by the same token, the negative effects it can have on the permafrost [10]. This approach also proposes to use vegetation to envelop the building and thus reduce its energy consumption.

Garage with workshop and battery

Passive heating
Vegetation & snow accumulation
Insulated slab on staste permafrost or rock
Figure 10. New housing for the periphery of Kangiqsualujjuaq. Leboeuf-Soucy, Messier, Tessier, 2022
Social and Cultural Dimensions
Culturally appropriate alternative living choices
Igloos (traditional winter homes for Inuit) had a main living room with additional smaller rooms. Whether it was to accommodate extended family members or to house their dogs, the shape of the igloo was flexible and evolved to accommodate the needs of the residents [5]. Following the concept of Akilliriit [7], Inuit stayed with their loved ones, but a distance ranging from a few hundred meters to a few kilometers separated them from other families. The construction of villages imposed closeness between households while maintaining families further apart. This model impacted networks of mutual aid and social cohesion. The house modularity proposed by Thomassie Mangniok (Figure 11) and Fantastic Norway (Figure 12) addresses these issues as it makes it possible to expand living spaces and keep them flexible in the face of changing needs. Thus, the residence adjusts to a growing family or to accommodate visiting distant family members. Residents have the opportunity to build both single-family and multi-generational homes that differ according to their needs and those of the natural territory.
Figure 11. A more traditional way in the housing organization for Inuit communities. The right space for a bit of everything, Thomassie Mangiok, 2022
Figure 12. "Conceptual framework of an assembly of many small families". House of Families, Fantastic Norway, 2010
Designing for climate adaptation prompts a rethinking of the current way of developing northern communities. To this end, livable density and housing variaty must be addressed. Also, the concept of modularity aims for greater flexibility to adapt to the environment or realities. Such strategies allow for the creation of community spaces that include alternative energy facilities which, in turn, are enhanced by the presence of better housed residents.
In that sense, the housing "cluster" offers opportunities for culturally adapted, environmentally sustainable and microclimatic design. The strategy consists of an agglomeration of rooms to compose intergenerational houses adapted to local needs. The cluster for Kangirsuk (Figure 13) is based on a simple module with a living room, a kitchen, and a bedroom, to which it is possible to add rooms such as a greenhouse, a workshop, etc. The goal is to provide more choices to accommodate diverse family realities, as opposed to a "one size fits all" logic or model [3].
In terms of energy efficiency, the flexibility of modular layouts is well suited to diverse geographical and climatic conditions. The design of houses can respond to energy needs of each room. For example, when a living room requires a large amount of heating, it can be situated so as to benefit from passive heating (Figure 14). In other words, the modules can be organized to promote heat transfers between an emitting room and a demanding room. Modularity thus provides the means to adapt the building to its environment to undertake a reduction in energy dependency and a transition to renewable energies.
Also, house clusters (Figure 13) slow down wind gusts, which helps reduce energy consumption. Because of the local alternative power grid, this approach tends to eliminate the use of fossile fuels for heating. Surplus electricity from a given cluster can then be fed back into the main village network to make up for a deficit. The integration of a garage into the cluster provides storage space while accommodating a self-charging battery as well as tanks for drinking and waste water. Water continues to be delivered by tankers, but a circular organization reduces the number of delivery collection points by about 80%.

Figure 13. Cluster of houses (e.g. Kangirsuk). Leboeuf-Soucy,Messier, Tessier, 2022
Figure 14. Modular houses. Carruth, 2016
Want to learn more ?
Inuit communities & energy
"Nunavik community to make the jump from diesel to hydroelectricity. Inukjuak has signed a deal with a renewable energy supplier to build a dam on a nearby river and sell electricity to Hydro-Québec.".
"We have to find energy alternatives for the North. We’re living through environmental changes every day with changing weather and loss of sea ice and we want to do our part."
Matisse Harvey, Radio-Canada
Litterature recommendations
Developing renewable energy in discontiguous Greenland: an infrastructural urbanism of ‘material practices’
Susan J. Carruth, 2016
Explores the concept of Infrastructural Urbanism and how it can guide energy planning in Greenland. This concept is tackled at a micro-scale level and in everyday practices.
Shaping cities for winter : climatic comfort and sustainable design
Norman Pressman, 2004
Elaborates on the principles that should guide winter city design to gain thermic comfort.
Nunavut Urban Futures: Vernaculars, Informality and Tactics (Research Note)
Lola Sheppard, 2020
Studies the emergence of an Arctic Indigenous urbanism in Nunavut’s growing communities.
Agence d’Architecture A. Bechu & Associés. 2017. « Skolkovo Innovation center district 11 ».
DMA. 2022. « Ville de Fermont ». DMA-Arcch. 2022.
Mangiok, T. 2022. The right space for a bit of everything. Conference.
Jull, Matthew. 2016. « Toward a Northern Architecture: The Microrayon as Arctic Urban Prototype ». Journal of Architectural Education 70 (2): 214‑22.
Landry, Julien. 2018. « Sedentarisation au Nunavik : Identites, territorialites et territoires inuit contemporains ≫. Quebec: Universite Laval.
Marcus, Alan. 2011. « Place with No Dawn : A Town’s Evolution and Erskine’s Arctic Utopia ». Dans Architecture and the Canadian fabric, édité par Rhodri Windsor-Liscombe, 283‑310. Toronto: UBC Press.
Nungak, Zeebedee. 2016. « Inventing Arctic Town Planning : commentaries ». Dans . Quataq: Document inedit presente au Conseil regional de l’ARK.
Rosendahl, Gunnar P. 1988. « Technical Development in Greenland ». Dans Cities Design for Winter, 171‑88. Helsinki: Building book Ltd.
Sanborn, Emma. 2017. « Integrating Climate Sensitive Design Principles in Municipal Processes: A Case Study of Edmonton’s Winter Patios». Luleå: Luleå University of Technology.
Strub, Harold. 1996. Bare Poles : building design for high latitudes. Canada: Carleton University Press.
White Arkitekter. 2016. « Eyes of Runavik ». Runavik, Faroe Islands.