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Parnasimautik : Kangiqsualujjuaqmiut's Expectations

Nakurmiik to Kangiqsualujjuaq's representatives as well as all the Kangiqsualujjuaqmiut who attended the presentation via community radio. The team members are glad to begin this valuable collaborative work and wish to highlight your warm welcome.

Parnasimautik in Kangiqsualujjuaq (February 18th, 2020)

Kangiqsualujjuaqmiut's Expectations :

Doing Things Differently is based on shared knowledge. We need to work together by sharing our knowledge but mostly by listening to the people’s wishes, concerns and aspirations about how and where they want to live. Residents, especially youth, should be included in both creative and building processes in order to learn about how to make good quality houses. Doing Things Differently should help to provide tools to the community to be more independent and autonomous regarding decision-making.

More consideration should be put into building quality houses that are larger (to accommodate all family members and to store the equipment), safer (especially for elders), healthier and more stable (ground). The residents want to have a say on where they live in the village. Being close to the family seems to be a priority. The houses should be adapted to the local climatic conditions, especially the prevailing winds and snow drifts. Good orientation is key. Climate change should be considered while developing housing alternatives. In order to make the houses culturally adequate, we need to pay attention and take into account the basics of Inuit way of life, such as eating on the floor.

Present (team members) :

Along with representatives of the Northern Village institutions.

David ANNANACK, Mayor, Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq

Myrtille BAYLE, Student (architecture), Université Laval

Myriam BLAIS, Co-investigator (architecture), Université Laval

Samuel BOUDREAULT, Coordinator, Habiter le Nord québécois, Université Laval

Nancy ETOK, Partner, Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq

Antoine PAQUET, Student (regional planning), Université Laval

Hilda SNOWBALL, Partner, Northern Village of Kangiqsualujjuaq and KRG

Frédérique TROTTIER, Student (urban design), Université Laval

Geneviève VACHON, Co-investigator (architecture), Université Laval


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