Under the spiritual umbrella of the Living in Northern quebec research partnership and directed by Myriam Blais (Université Laval) and Émilie Pinard (Laurentian University), the most recent issue of Études Inuit Studies (44, 1-2, 2020) has just been published (2021). In it you will find an eloquent collection of reflections and research results on the Inuit communities of Nunavik and elsewhere in the circumpolar.
Several students, recent graduates and professors from the École d'architecture de l'Université Laval (Mathieu Avarello, Myrtille Bayle, Myriam Blais, Pierre-Olivier Demeule, Julien Landry, Maxime Rochette, Laurence St-Jean, Geneviève Vachon, Marika Vachon) contributed to the publication.
Inuit Studies Volume 44, numéro 1-2, 2020 (Online publication: Sept. 27, 2021)
Guest-edited by Myriam Blais and Émilie Pinard (co-investigators)
Table of contents (18 articles)
Speaking Out: Introductory by Olivia Ikey (pp. 3–9) Conference retranscription « Living in Northern Quebec: Issues and Challenges of Appropriate and Meaningful Living Environments for Inuit Communities”, Special session “LINQ’s Day-Long Special Session”, Inuit Studies Conference 2019 . October 3, 2019, Université du Québec à Montréal.
Introduction Myriam Blais and Émilie Pinard (pp. 11–36)
Nunamiut, the Tundra Dwellers Michael David Fortescue (pp. 37–51)
Between Lines and Beyond Boundaries: Alootook Ipellie’s Entanglements of Space Émélie Desrochers-Turgeon (pp. 53–84)
Entre regards et territoire. Composition d’atlas paysagers selon une approche perceptive territorialiste, Salluit et Inukjuak Mathieu Avarello (pp. 85–108)
Savoir-faire locaux et auto-construction dans la toundra. Une lecture des cabanes du fjord de Salluit (Note de recherche) Pierre-Olivier Demeule (pp. 109–159)
Réflexions pour une architecture significative : Univers symbolique et matériel de la maison chez les Inuit du Nunavik (Note de recherche) Myrtille Bayle (pp. 161–182)
Unsettling Ground: Arctic Urbanism on Fluid Geology Jason McMillan and Lola Sheppard (pp. 183–205)
Territorialities and Urbanities Transform: A Scenario-Based Approach to Local Planning and Decision Making in Inukjuak and Salluit, Nunavik Geneviève Vachon, Mathieu Avarello, Julien Landry and Laurence St-Jean (pp. 207–236)
Habiter et pensées nomades : Réflexions sur l’architecture des Maisons des jeunes (et intergénérationnelles) au Nunavik Myriam Blais and Marika Vachon (pp. 237–259)
Speaking Out: Housing Issues of Youth in Nunavik Olivia Ikey (pp. 261–267)
La transformation des territoires nordiques urbanisés : Étude de la forme et des traits distinctifs des villages inuit du Nunavik Maxime Rochette (pp. 269–299)
Habiter le Nunavik : Considérer le système de production du logement en envisageant la complexité Marika Vachon (pp. 301–321)
Nunavut Urban Futures: Vernaculars, Informality and Tactics (Research Note) Lola Sheppard (pp. 323–347)
Pigiasilluta oKalagiamik: Culturally Relevant Assessment in Nunatsiavut Jennifer Godfrey Anderson and Jodie Lane (pp. 351–372)
“A Sense of Seal” in Greenland: Kalaallit Seal Pluralities and Anti-Sealing Contentions Naja Dyrendom Graugaard (pp. 373–397)
STUHL, Andrew. 2016. Unfreezing the Arctic: Science, Colonialism, and the Transformation of Inuit Lands. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. David Neufeld (pp. 401–404)
GÉRIN-LAJOIE, José, Alain CUERRIER, and Laura SIEGWART COLLIER, eds. 2016. “The Caribou Taste Different Now”: Inuit Elders Observe Climate Change. Iqaluit: Nunavut Arctic College Media. Frédéric Laugrand (pp. 405–409)